
Licensed Programs by Locality

The map below shows the location of current licensed child care providers by locality in the state of Michigan and the number of children who are 11 years old and younger in a specific neighborhood. Information on the licensed child care providers is updated nightly from the Great Start to Quality database, which connects with Michigan’s Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).

Child care providers are categorized as three types: centers (green), family homes (red), and group homes (yellow). The number of children who are 11 years old and younger in each neighborhood is based on the 2015 American Community Survey’s census tract data. Population data are coded in blue, where the lighter color shows fewer population and the darker color shows high child population in that neighborhood.

Locality is categorized as four types: isolated, large rural, small rural, and urban. For more details about how these areas are defined, please see the National Neighborhood Data Archive (NaNDA) report.

  • Select the Locality that corresponds to your chosen topic of interest.
  • Select the License Type that corresponds to your chosen topic of interest.
  • Hover over the site dots to see more information about that site.
  • Use the buttons at the side of the map to zoom in, zoom out, and perform other tasks.