Youth-Adult Partnership RUBRIC
Funded by the Edmund A. Stanley Jr. research grant from the Robert Bowne Foundation, this Rubric is developed through a research study consisting of extensive literature view, a series of program observations, youth and adult interviews and focus groups to assess the practices of Youth-Adult Partnership (Y-AP) in various youth settings (i.e., school reforms, afterschool programs, camps, parks and recreation, youth participatory action research, etc.). Similar to the concepts of "youth-driven" and "youth civic engagement," the Y-AP approach aims to increase youth voice and youth leadership in affairs that affect them and their communities.
The Rubric was conducted in partnership with The Neutral Zone, Ann Arbor's teen center (where teens lead, create and innovate). It follows the framework of the article "The Psychology and Practice of Youth-Adult Partnership" (Zeldin, Christens, & Powers, 2013) to capture specific behaviors and social climates supporting the four critical dimensions of Y-AP:
- authentic decision-making
- natural mentors
- reciprocity
- community connectedness
Our goal is to provide a freely available assessment tool for professional development and program evaluation. You're encouraged to download the fillable form above and hit the "submit" button in the PDF file when you're done. Contact Dr. Jamie Wu at wuhengch@msu.edu or 517-884-1412 for more information.