This map summarizes Michigan's 2023-24 out-of-school time ('OST') funding by county. The map compiles funding from the 32N Out-of-School Time Grants ('32N'), Michigan's 21st Century Community Learning Centers ('21st CCLC'), and private OST philanthropy. Analysis is conducted using county-level data.
- Hover over a county to see details about its overall OST funding.
- Use the 'Select Prosperity Zones' and 'Select Counties' filters to isolate a geographic area.
- Use the buttons on the left of the map to zoom in or out.
- Use the buttons at the bottom of the map to share, download, or expand to full screen. References and methodology are available here.
Counties' characteristics range from "very low" to "very high" based on Michigan's state averages.
- Students Receiving Free/Reduced Price Lunch: "Very low" means few students qualify; "very high" means many qualify.
- Amount of K12 Youth: "Very low" means there are less students in the county; "very high" indicates a large K12 population.
- Ratio of OST Providers to K12 Youth: "Very low" means that there are few OST providers to serve an area's K12 students; "very high" notes a higher concentration of K12 OST providers to students.