Presenting Data Graphically and Presenting Results
Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics: Training Opportunities
STATS - STeve's Attempt to Teach Statistics has a good set of class notes on presenting data. Go to Training Opportunities at Children's Mercy Hospital and then see the handout for class number 43: Guidelines for Good Graphics. (Word format.)
Statistical Consulting Service: York University
The Statistics and Statistical Graphics Resources page, created by Michael Friendly, is a list of links on graphical resources. Especially see: Gallery of Data Visualization: The Best and Worst of Statistical Graphics
American Statistics Association
The Statistical Graphics Section of the American Statistical Association includes a newsletter and list of helpful links.
National Center for Educational Statistics: Kids' Zone
The Kids' Zone Create-A-Graph is a site for students to learn how to use various graph formats.
Statistics Canada
Statistics: Power from Data! has a section describing how to present data showing examples of different types of graphs.
The Open University: Learning Space
Exploring Data: Graphs and Numerical Summaries is a class by The Open University's Learning Space.
Stunning graphical displays of data
Stephanie Evergreen's data visualization website
Ann Emery's data visualization website
Edward Tufte's data visualization website