Evaluation of the Child Care Expulsion Prevention Program
The Child Care Expulsion Prevention (CCEP) initiative provides consultants and training to assist child care providers and parents with challenging behavior exhibited by children in daycare and preschool settings. This statewide evaluation assesses child, parent, and provider outcomes as well as the implementation and fidelity of the program to the principles outlined in the CCEP model. A comparison group of families referred for challenging behavior who live in regions not served by the CCEP program are also being examined to assess the impact of the program.
Please contact Laurie Van Egeren for more information
Additional CERC members: Laurie Van Egeren
Funder: Michigan Department of Community Health
MSU Partners: School Psychology Program, College of Education; Community Evaluation and Research Collaborative; Department of Family and Child Ecology; University-Community Partnerships
Community Partners: Michigan Department of Community Health; Michigan 4C Association (Community Coordinated Child Care); participating sites across Michigan